Holiday 2008 Promotion piece

The piece was conceived to make a memorable connection with the clients, prospects and allied firms Bliss & Nyitray had touched throughout the year, reinforcing the message that the people at  Bliss & Nyitray are caring, creative professionals who partner with clients to “do good”. In order to break through the clutter, we opted for a brown paper bag, which was in stark contrast to the glitzy, seasonal postcards typical for this time of year.

Research has shown that retention increases the more a person is involved. So we created several opportunities to interact. Recipients were asked to make donation to their favorite charity. Bliss & Nyitray then made a contribution to the United Way for every photo received. This in turn allowed for a follow-up email/web promotion where we shared photos and fundraising results.

The response to the campaign exceeded the established goals and created tremendous goodwill for the firm.



Mock “World Series” direct mail

To celebrate BNI having built both stadiums for the final playoff in the World Series, ADP Studios created this one of a kind mock newspaper. The piece was folded down and mailed in clear cellophane envelopes and many of the articles were written by actual BNI staff (including one minor league player). This unique marketing effort not only highlighted the accomplishment but also reminded their clients of the other services and capabilities of the firm.
